2023 International Ferrari Soave Award for Human Biology


Lab head Claus Lamm has received the 2023 International Ferrari Soave Award for Human Biology by the Turin Academy of Sciences.

In the award ceremony at the Turin Academy of Sciences on Nov. 20, Claus' contributions were acknowledged as follows: 

"Prof. Claus Lamm's specific research interests lie at the interface between the neuronal and psychological foundations of human behavior and those of social perception. In the field of Cognitive Neuroscience, he has developed highly interdisciplinary research. Prof. Lamm pursues a multidisciplinary approach and combines neuroimaging techniques with psychopharmacology. His relevant contributions, corroborated by his output over the past decade, shed light on complex phenomena such as empathy, the placebo effect and social prejudice."

Upon receiving the award, Claus expressed his deep gratitude and accepted the award on behalf of his partner and major scientific collaborator, Giorgia Silani from Silanilab; he also warmly thanked all the past and present collaborators, especially at the SCAN-Unit, and his mentors: "Research is teamwork, and I am grateful to the many persons I had the privilege to work with. They allow me to follow my passion and to add some puzzle pieces to our understanding of the human and animal social mind and brain".

You can watch the whole event or only the award receiving speech (at ~1:04:00) here