Master's Thesis Seminar

Students who are already admitted for a master thesis at the SCAN-Unit, have to attend the Master's Thesis Seminar. Master's students have to attend all sessions of the seminar (absence is only allowed under special cirumstances).

IMPORTANT: It is MANDATORY for students that are selected to register their master theses with SSC at the start of the seminar.

If you want to register for the Master's Thesis Seminar, please contact

Every master student has to give two presentations on his/her master thesis – a presentation on the design ("Planungsreferat") and a presentation on the results ("Auswertungsreferat") or a combined presentation of the design and the results ("Planungs- und Auswertungsreferat) if you are externally supervised.

Presentation dates will be arranged by contacting First come, first served.

  • Planungsreferat

20 minutes presentation, about 10 minutes discussion (in sum 30 minutes), in English

  • Auswertereferat

20 minutes presentation, about 10 minutes discussion (in sum 30 minutes), in English

  • OR for external supervision: Combined Planungs- und Auswertereferat

20 min presentation, about 10 minutes discussion (in sum 30 minutes), in English. Remember: the other semester will be graded based on participation and submission of an exposé/proposal. 

Colloquium: Students have to attend the "Colloquium" Thursdays at 15:00-16:00 (talks of researchers, posted on the faculty of psychology website. Please check every week).