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Seidel, S., Dal-Bianco, P., Pablik, E., Müller, N., Schadenhofer, C., Lamm, C., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Klug, S., Pusswald, G., Auff, E., Lehrner, J. (2015). Depressive symptoms are the main predictor for subjective sleep quality inpatients with mild cognitive impairment. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0128139. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128139
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Votinov, M., Pripfl, J., Windischberger, C., Moser, E., Sailer, U., Lamm, C. (2015). A functional polymorphism in the prodynorphin gene affects cognitive flexibility and brain activation during reversal learning. Front. Behav.Neurosci.9:172. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00172
Votinov, M., Pripfl, J., Windischberger, C., Sailer, U., Lamm, C. (2015). Better you lose than I do: neural networks involved in winning and losing in a real time strictly competitive game. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 11017 (pdf).
* authors contributed equally