How do we understand others?

What are the neural bases of our emotions?

How is our social behavior shaped by the brain?


These are just some of the questions the SCAN-Unit (Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience Unit) has been investigating since its formation in 2010. We are a group of international researchers who combine psychological theory with cutting edge neuroscientific methodology to study the biological basis of human's social and emotional life.

Our special research focus lies on the neuroscience of empathy. We have made and continue to make essential contributions to our understanding of how people share the feelings of others and take their point of view. This research enterprise is complemented by research activities in the fields of decision making, moral behavior, and mental health.

Further information on the research we do.

Information on our lab mission



We offer freedom to develop own research line, support transition towards junior group leader, state-of-the art research infrastructure, supportive...



Claus Lamm and Magdalena Boch publish an article (as part of a larger series on Animal Cognition) in renowned public science journal "Gehirn und...

 Faculty News


Als Projektmanagerin im Bereich Drittmittelprojekte am Dekanat


Our research team published a paper in Scientific Reports demonstrating that everyday helping is associated with improved mood but increased stress...


Selbsttest: Warum manche einen guten Orientierungssinn haben

Luise Graichen wurde im österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin „Profil” zum Thema Orientierungssinn interviewt.


Universität Wien mit 9 Fächern unter Top 100 weltweit, u.a. mit Psychologie (51-75)


New book chapter in the book "Environmental Neuroscience" explores the intersection of social neuroscience and pro-environmental behavior.


Machen gewalthaltige Videospiele weniger empathisch?

Lukas Lengersdorff spricht in einem Beitrag des SWR2-Impuls über den Einfluss von Videospielen auf die Empathie.


Mit Isolde Gottwald (Absolventin) und Sabine Pahl (Betreuerin, ECH-Co-Direktorin)