News & Media



During this week's team meeting we said goodbye to our colleague Elisa Warmuth, who is leaving the SCAN-Unit after 4 great years together!


Explore the ViSe tool for easy analysis with visual aids.


SCAN Unit Associate Ekaterina Pronizius acted as one of the shared second authors on a new commentary on big team science in comparative cognition.


Lab head Claus Lamm is interviewed for Terra Mater science TV show on the power of social media.

Claus Lamm and Magdalena Boch publish an article (as part of a larger series on Animal Cognition) in renowned public science journal "Gehirn und...

Selbsttest: Warum manche einen guten Orientierungssinn haben

Luise Graichen wurde im österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin „Profil” zum Thema Orientierungssinn interviewt.