

The team of the project "Human attitudes towards wolves and dogs" celebrated their first joint paper!


By the end of January we also said goodbye to our colleague Alexandrina, who is leaving the SCAN-Unit after her time as a PostDoc in the EvoSocBrain...


During this week's team meeting we said goodbye to our colleague Elisa Warmuth, who is leaving the SCAN-Unit after 4 great years together!


New paper on the (mis)interpretation of statistical power published in Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

How can we assess findings from studies with low statistical power?


Claus Lamm at the European Winter Conference for Brain Research (EWCBR)

Lab head Claus Lamm has talked at the European Winter Conference for Brain Research EWCBR) about "Using comparative canine functional magnetic...


A 68-country study led by Dr. Viktoria Cologna (Harvard University, ETH Zurich) and Dr. Niels G. Mede (University of Zurich) shows high public trust...


Explore the ViSe tool for easy analysis with visual aids.


SCAN Unit Associate Ekaterina Pronizius acted as one of the shared second authors on a new commentary on big team science in comparative cognition.


Currently there are no open positions at our lab.

Please subscribe to where we post new opportunities


How dopamine shapes trust beliefs.

In their brief review article, Bianca Schuster and Claus Lamm explore how dopamine influences trust learning.


How this powerful duo can enhance collaboration, transparency, and reproducibility of psychological science.


Our postdoc, Dr. Ekaterina Pronizius, in collaboration with Prof. Bukowski, organized the Social Cognition Workshop, “From Self-Knowledge to Knowing...


Our research team published a paper in Scientific Reports demonstrating that everyday helping is associated with improved mood but increased stress...


New book chapter in the book "Environmental Neuroscience" explores the intersection of social neuroscience and pro-environmental behavior.


New paper on climate change with data collected from 63 countries


We've all experienced moments of assuming others share our emotions or beliefs. This ability to distinguish between self and others—self-other...


Self-other distinction across mental disorders. It was an incredible experience sharing our research with the community!


We rock at the DGPs Congress 2024 in Vienna


Following the project's title, Magdalena will be "Setting a New Analysis Standard for Canine Comparative Social Neuroscience" by modeling the BOLD...


New review paper on domestic dogs as a comparative model for visual social neuroscience

What have we learned so far? Current challenges, potential solutions, and future directions for comparative neuroimaging with dogs


FWF 3-year Erwin-Schrödinger fellowship awarded to Magdalena Boch

Magdalena will join the Cognitive Neuroecology Lab at the University of Oxford to work on the project "The social temporal lobe: A case of convergent...


Congratulations to Luise Graichen and Julia Braunstein!


Lab head Claus Lamm receives APS Mentor Award and features as FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Mentoring Award Finalist


Our scannies at the FENS 2024 in Vienna


New review paper on the link between shared representations and prosocial behavior, and its relevance for clinical conditions.

How do changes in pain processing systems affect prosocial behavior in pain-related clinical conditions such as chronic pain?


SIPS Commendation 2024

Ekaterina Pronizius (Postdoc, SCAN-Unit) Recognized with SIPS Commendation for Reaction Time Preprocessing Initiative

23.05.2024 12:37

We rock in Belgium.


Congratulations to Dr. Pronizius!


International Forum on Clinical Research

Revolutionizing Clinical Psychology through Big Team Science!


New paper on functional mapping of the somatosensory cortex in dogs published in Brain Structure and Function

What happens in a dog's brain when the dog is being petted?


New Paper on the Use of Cultural Artifacts as Cognitive Fossils Published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences

How do cultural artifacts help us trace psychological changes throughout history?


Our latest paper shows the importance of effort costs when considering how prosocial behaviour changes under acute stress

How much effort is involved in helping others and our existing prosocial tendencies could be key to understanding acute stress effects on prosocial...


New Paper on Reproductive Strategies and Romantic Love in Early Modern Europe Published in Archives of Sexual Behavior

How did changing living standards influence romantic love and reproductive behaviors in early modern Europe?


FWF grant awarded to Claudia Massaccesi, Isabella Wagner, Lei Zhang, and Claus Lamm

The role of incentives and uncertainty in prosocial behavior


An active inference perspective for the amygdala complex

Maybe the amygdala is not angry or sad or afraid – it's just misunderstood!


New Paper published: Addressing Climate Change with Behavioral Science: A Global Intervention Tournament in 63 Countries

Effectively reducing climate change requires dramatic, global behavior change. Yet it is unclear which strategies are most likely to motivate people...


Raúl Hernández Awarded with the ESPRIT Grant



2023 International Ferrari Soave Award for Human Biology

Lab head Claus Lamm has received the 2023 International Ferrari Soave Award for Human Biology by the Turin Academy of Sciences.


Neuroscience can help us to understand the reciprocal relationships between a changing climate and the brain.


New paper on psychological and structural brain differences between placebo analgesia responders and non-responders published in Frontiers in Psychology

To respond or not to respond: exploring empathy-related psychological and structural brain differences between placebo analgesia responders and...


New paper on how dogs predict human action targets published in Open Mind

Dogs rely on visual cues rather than on effector-specific movement representations to predict human action targets


New Paper on the effect of blocking dopamine receptors on trust in males published in Nature Communications

Blocking D2/D3 dopamine receptors in male participants increases volatility of beliefs when learning to trust others


New paper on body- and animacy-responsive areas in dogs and humans published in Communications Biology

Functionally analogous body- and animacy-responsive areas are present in the dog (Canis familiaris) and human occipito-temporal lobe


New Paper on Hippocampal and Cortical Contributions to Hierarchical Representation Published in eLife

How does the brain represent complex hierarchies?


New paper on age-related differences in interference control published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Age-related differences in interference control in the context of a finger-lifting task: an fMRI study



New paper on reward network response to social touch in major depression published in Psychological Medicine

There may be altered striatal processing of social touch in major depressive disorder


New paper on strategic prosocial behaviour published in Neuropsychopharmacology

Testosterone eliminates strategic prosocial behavior through impacting choice consistency in healthy males


New paper on energetic arousal during acute social isolation published in Psychological Science

Lowered energy could be part of a homeostatic response to a lack of social contact


New paper on aberrant uncertainty processing published in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience

Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic-like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic...


New paper on social closeness and prosocial behaviour published in Scientific Reports

Only empathy-related traits, not being mimicked or endorphin release, influence social closeness and prosocial behavior


New paper using interleaved fMRI/TMS published in NeuroImage

Acute TMS/fMRI response explains offline TMS network effects – An interleaved TMS-fMRI study


New paper on COVID-19 rapid-response dataset published in Scientific Data

The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset


New paper on tracking others navigating through space published in Nature Communications

Entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space


New paper on listening to music during COVID-19 lockdown published in JAMA Network Open

Perceptions of stress and mood associated with listening to music in daily life during the COVID-19 lockdown


New paper on model-based and model-free behaviour published in eLife

Effects of dopamine D2/3 and opioid receptor antagonism on the trade-off between model-based and model-free behaviour in healthy volunteers


New paper on stress and prosocial behaviours published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews

Does stress make us more—or less—prosocial? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of acute stress on prosocial behaviours using...


New paper on prosocial helping published in Psychological Science

Placebo analgesia reduces costly prosocial helping to lower another’s pain


New paper on vicarious fear learning published in PLOS ONE

The causal role of affect sharing in driving vicarious fear learning


Remembrance of Andrea Knauseder

We commemorate Andrea Knauseder, a former Master student at the SCAN-Unit.


New paper on stress and mood during COVID-19 lockdowns published in British Journal of Health Psychology

The effects of social interactions on momentary stress and mood during COVID-19 lockdowns


New paper on vicarious disgust published in NeuroImage

Effective connectivity reveals distinctive patterns in response to others’ genuine affective experience of disgust


New paper on COVID-19 health messaging published in Affective Science

In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries


New paper on attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 published in PNAS Nexus

Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.


Marietta-Blau Grant to E. Pronizius!



New paper on global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic published in PNAS.

Shame and fear can increase controlled motivation, but using these tactics in public health communications carries certain risks.


New paper on stress and mood during COVID-19 lockdown published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Diurnal dynamics of stress and mood during COVID-19 lockdown: a large multinational ecological momentary assessment study


New paper on human emotional egocentricity published in Neurobiology of Aging

Right supra-marginal gyrus and secondary somatosensory cortex play a role in age-related differences in human emotional egocentricity.


New paper on moral judgments published in Nature Human Behaviour

Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western

countries in a culturally diverse sample


Stipend for ambitious students

Ambitious and talented psychology students can apply for a private funded stipend.


New paper on stress responses published in Neuropsychopharmacology

Opioid-blunted cortisol response to stress is associated with increased negative mood and wanting of social reward.


Scientist of the week - interview on placebo research

Why does the placebo effect cause so many vaccine side effects?


Your sorrow is my sorrow? How we empathize with the emotions of others - Special

What happens in our brain when we observe how another person feels pain? Article in a special issue of In-Mind magazine


Blog post about new paper on trust

"In amygdala we trust": behind the paper


New paper on trust

Basolateral and central amygdala orchestrate how we learn whom to trust


New paper on brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic published in Nature Human Behavior.

Reconstrual and repurposing are the most effective reappraisal strategies.


New paper published

Socio-cognitive training impacts emotional and perceptual self-salience but not self-other distinction


New paper on empathy for pain

Beyond Sharing Unpleasant Affect — Evidence for Pain-Specific Opioidergic Modulation of Empathy for Pain


New paper published

"The administration of the opioid buprenorphine decreases motivational error signals" published in Psychoneuroendocrinology


Meta-analysis featuring members of the lab

"Meta-analysis of neural systems underlying placebo analgesia from individual participant fMRI data" published in Nature Communications


Bank Austria Research Award 2021

Congratulations to Lisa Anna Rosenberger and Jürgen Goller!


New paper on self-other distinction

Interplay of self-other distinction and cognitive control mechanisms in a social automatic imitation task: An ERP study


New paper published in Animal Cognition

Watching others in a positive state does not induce optimism bias in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), but leads to behaviour indicative of...


New paper on durable memories

Durable memories and efficient neural coding through mnemonic training using the method of loci


New paper published on opioid use and empathy for pain

Chronic non‐medical prescription opioid use and empathy for pain: Does pain make the difference?


New paper on placebo analgesia and empathy for pain

Another's pain in my brain: No evidence that placebo analgesia affects the sensory-discriminative component in empathy for pain


New publication in NeuroImage

Tailored haemodynamic response function increases detection power of fMRI in awake dogs (Canis familiaris)


New paper on facial mimicry

The effects of self-relevance vs. reward value on facial mimicry


New publication in Nature Human Behavior

To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?


Awards for lab members (SfN Global Connectome)

Congratulations to Alexandrina Guran and Lei Zhang!


New paper on the relationship between dogs and humans

Exploring the dog–human relationship by combining fMRI, eye-tracking and behavioural measures


New paper published in Psychophysiology

Pharmacological fMRI provides evidence for opioidergic modulation of discrimination of facial pain expressions


New paper on social connectedness during COVID-19

Resilience during uncertainty? Greater social connectedness during COVID‐19 lockdown is associated with reduced distress and fatigue


New paper from the lab!

Using reinforcement learning models in social neuroscience: frameworks, pitfalls and suggestions of best practices


New paper on the mechanisms of imitation

Being mimicked affects inhibitory mechanisms of imitation


New TT position available

The Vienna Cognitive Science Hub is looking for a Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Cognitive Neuroscience of brain-microbiome interaction


New paper on placebo-induced pain reduction

Placebos can reduce pain by inducing beliefs in the effectiveness of an actually inert treatment.


Aktuelle Studie COVISTRESS

Studie zum Thema Covid-19 und Stress


New publication from the lab

Increasing self-other bodily overlap increases sensorimotor resonance to others’ pain


New review out in Brain Topography

The Role of Sensorimotor Processes in Pain Empathy by Dr. Igor Riečanský and Prof. Lamm


The Vienna CogSciHub:Study Participant Platform is looking for you!


New publication from the NBU

Fairness norm violations in anti-social psychopathic offenders in a repeated trust game


Exciting new preprint from the lab

Age-related changes in human emotional egocentricity: evidence from multi-level neuroimaging


New paper published (open access): Self-other overlap and empathy

Increasing self-other bodily overlap increases sensorimotor resonance to others’ pain.



Postdoc position (3 years) in dog/human fMRI Vienna

New Position Available!!


Adriaense, Lamm et al.

New paper shows precursor of empathy in ravens.


Riečanský, Lengersdorff, Pfabigan, Lamm

New paper: Increasing self-other bodily overlap increases sensorimotor resonance to others’ pain


Lamm, Rütgen, Wagner

""New" review paper in Neurosci Lett. (published online 2017) now assigned issue and page number. That letter was in the mail for quite some time ;-)"


Lamm et al.

New paper: The Other and Me: Effects of oxytocin on self-other distinction.


New member

The SCAN-Unit welcomes our new post-doc Lei Zhang.


Pfabigan, Wucherer, Lamm et al.

New paper: Cultural influences on the processing of social comparison feedback signals—an ERP study


Lamm et al.

New paper: The Neural Substrate of Reward Anticipation in Health: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Findings in the Monetary Incentive Delay Task.


Two new members

The SCAN-Unit welcomes Ronald Sladky and Paul Forbes


Placebo Imaging Consortium, including Claus Lamm

New publication with Placebo Imaging Consortium in JAMA Neurology


Pfabigan, Wucherer, Lamm

New paper: Internal control beliefs and reference frame concurrently impact early performance monitoring ERPs


Lamm et al.

New paper: Psychometric properties of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale: A factor analysis and item-response theory approach.


Lamm et al.

New paper on antidepressant treatment and fMRI


Riva, Wagner, Lamm et al.

New paper on aging & empathy